LSIC Agenda /9/16

LSIC Agenda / Organizational Meeting


  1. Call Meeting to Order:  Introduction of members/officers

    • Chairperson, Cayla Defren

    • Vice-Chairperson, Anna Tupper

    • Secretary, Melaina Creel

  1. Principal’s Report: Give a detailed description of the report being presented.

    • Agenda reviewed

  1. Safety / Wellness

    • Crisis Response-completed

    • 2nd Fire Drill rescheduled 9/19/24 at 1pm

    • Numbers to be added to the inside of the classrooms for identification in the event of an emergency.

    • Increased PRO (Prevention Resource Officers) walkthroughs 

    • Arrival / Dismissal change to Single point of entry

    • Discipline-D-slips are being used, frequent communication with families, mediation, no-contact contracts when altercations occur, re-entry meetings are held upon return from an OSS.

  2. Discipline:

    • Conference-with parent/guardian will occur

    • Detention-based on school code of conduct

    • ISS-student accountability packet to be filled out

    • OSS-re-entry meeting held

  3. Focus Plan Accountability:


  • 50.78% proficient while state is 56.86% and district 57.34%


  • 54.61% proficient while state is 56.11% and district is 61.82%

  • Data talks teachers and students

  • SMART Goals set by students-1 personal and 1 academic

  1. RvMS Focus Plan 24/25

  2. Tardy frequency and response from office-refer to PST after 3 tardies

  3. Goal:  Improve Attendance-we are currently 72.89% compared to state at 76.47% and district 79.38%

    • PST will provide interventions at tier 2 and 3 levels at meetings on Fridays

  1. New BusinessMotions, Orders, Resolutions, Ordinances and Measures Proposed:

    • Could we establish a Parent committee to increase involvement of the community in schools.  How do we financially support this committee?

    • Could we get feedback on Administrative walkthroughs?

    • Dances?  Who raises money for and plans for events’-could be hosted by grade levels or teams

    • 8th grade end of year graduation (commitment to graduate high school-sign name to banner

  2.   Adjournment: Document the time the meeting is adjourned.  Meeting adjourned at 4:30 pm.