Since we value student mastery of prerequisite skills at Ravenswood Middle School, we strive to support students in recovering from late or missing work.
In an effort to create more consistency throughout the building, we have revised our Late/Missing Work policy in Grades 6-8. It reads as follows:
Students in all grades, 6-8, will have 5 days from the assigned due date to complete late work. Each day late will result in a deduction of 10% of the earned grade. Any assignment turned in on the 5th day will receive a score no lower than a 50% of the earned grade. If the assignment is not turned in at all, it will be given a 0.
In an effort to do our part to support students during school hours, we will be using our SMART time to incentivize students who are caught up and give others access to content teachers to make up work that is missing within the 5 day period.
*Accommodations in IEPs, 504s, and SATs will supersede this policy. There may also be extenuating circumstances that administration will determine on a case by case basis.
Ms. Defren, RvMS Principal